Monday, January 7, 2008

LAD #19-Populist Party Platform

In the 1880s and 1890s, a third party, consisting of BOTH democrats and republicans was created. Known as the Populist Party, they strongly opposed the big business that was going on at the time as well as all of the negative connotations that it encompassed. Beginning with listing the problems facing the nation, it is stated that America is "degenerating into European conditons."
Furthermore, as the document continues, it is noted that the other two political parties propose no sufficient platform where as the Populist Party's platform is simple: to restore the government into the hands of the people. By doing things such as declaring unions permanent and financially doing things such as establishing postal savings banks, the Populist Party felt that they could do just that. Their expression of sentiments exclaims that they demand a free ballot, free elections, the abolition of the Pinkerton system, and that they oppose any aid to any private corporation for any reason.

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