Thursday, January 3, 2008

LAD #18-McKinley's War Message

With regards to Cuba, the United States managed to remain neutral for three years; from 1895-1898. By April of 1898 however, neutrality was no longer an option.
In his message to Congress, McKinley describes the war as not only hurting the nation financially, but morally as well. He believes that it is not a matter of who will win the war; merely, rather who will give up first.
Continuing on, McKinley states that there are three options to the end of the war: 1. intevention as an impartial neutral, 2. formulating and proposing a rational compromise, or 3. fervently picking an ally an siding with them.
He brings up the USS Maine conflict and clearly defines the tensions that were seemingly increasing between Spain and the United States.

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