Monday, October 22, 2007

LAD # 8: Monroe Doctrine

On December 2nd, 1823, President James Monroe issued what is today known as the Monroe Doctrine. In it, the overall idea was Monroe proclaiming that no longer would European powers colonize or interfere with the affairs of the newly independent nations of the Americas. Monroe also issued a claim that the United States would remain neutral in any European Wars with their colonies.
The first main point that Monroe made in his Monroe Doctrine was agian, the idea that Europeans powers can no longer colonize in the Americas, inluding not just North America, but South, Central, and some parts of the Carribbean as well. The second major point Monroe makes is that of neutrality for the United States. In this part of the doctrine, Monroe can be seen as reaffirming the belief of neutrality that Washington had affirmed in his own proclamation of neutrality some years prior. Monroe stated that in all European affairs of war and such conflict, the United States would stay out and would only enter into conflict should the rights of their nation become affected. Finally, the third major point made my Monroe in the Monroe Doctrine is that should any European colonization take place, then the United States will consider this a direct threat to its national security.

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