Monday, October 8, 2007

Columbus Blog

Christopher Columbus is looked at by so many as a great hero of his time. He is also looked at by some to be quite the villain. In actuality, Columbus was both, however, more so a hero. On the historic day in 1492, Columbus sailed and reached what he presumed to be Asia. Unbeknownst to him however, he had actually come across the West Indies. This unkowing act of Columbus cannot be considered villanous in the slightest.
Upon Columbus' arrival however, it became apparent what he was in hope for. According to Zinn, Columbus' hope for gold was much like that of all the other imperial countries of the time. Although what would be looked at as terrible measures today; Columbus' actions of plundering gold, and capturing slaves, back then would have been acceptable. Columbus was merely doing what was necessecary to become a profitted sailor, and bring his nation wealth. In this regard, Columbus can be looked at as more of a hero than a villain because his actions were merely a result of the society back then.

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