Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Revolution Article

After reading the article, "Rethinking the Revolution," there were many pieces of information that I was able to take away with me. One thing in particular that I learned was that over 620,000 soldiers perished in the Civil War, making the number of Americna casualties in the Civil War tremendously greater than any other war.
Another piece of new information that I learned was that the founding fathers were some of the first people that realized that history could be used to manipulate how the past would be remembered. A good example of this is how in Washington's biography, he was known to have revised or omitted unflattering details so as to shape his image to the common people as just absolutely perfect.
A third thing that i learned from this article was that by the 1820's, a switch to a primary focus on colonial resistance against Parliamentary procedures began to overshadow the battles of the American Revolutionary War.
Yet another thing i learned was that during the time of the American Revolutionary War, paintings of the the Revolutionary War were occasionally depicting a rather distorted view of events.
Finally, one final thing i found out that was interesting from this article was that endless amounts of civilians ended up perishing during the War of Independence from so many different reasons; diseases, frontier Indian attacks, and coastal raids to name a few.

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