Monday, September 17, 2007

LAD #3: Declaration of Independence

1.) The democratic principles included in the Declaration of Indepence included the principles that all men are created equal, and are born with certain unalienable rights; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Along with these principles came the principle that the powers of the governemnt should be decided upon by the people being governed and at any time the ability to abolish, change, or refrom the existing government would be granted.

2.) The colonists were able to list many of their grievances in the Declaration of Independance. Along with the British obstruction of the administration of justice, and the placement of standing armies in times of peace; the colonists were also enraged with the imposing of taxes without their consent, the cutting off of their trade with other parts of the world, and in most cases, for the deprivation of trial by jury. Furthermore, the taking away of the colonists charters, abolishment of their most valuable laws and the fundemental alteration of their governments were also listed in the Declaration of Independence along with many more grievances.

3.) In the conclusion of the Decalaration of Independence, the colonial powers not only establish themselves as the representatives of the United States of America, but they also clearly state that the colonies are now free and indpendent states from Great Britain. They have discontinued any alleigance to the British crown and now hold the same power and authority as do all the other nations of the world, to declare war, establish peace, etc.

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