Monday, March 3, 2008

LAD #28- FDR's First Inaugural Address

In Franklin D. Roosevelt's inaugural address he announced his plan of the New Deal. He states that there is concern in the nation that taxes have rises and the ability to pay has decreased, farmers have no market and savings of thousands of families have been lost. In addition, unemplyment is common and he wishes not to deny any of these things and to be truthful. FDR calls for a restoration of ethics and action by the nation. The first task he faces is to put people to work. FDR calls for strict limitation on credit and banking and an end to speculation of money. He goes on to say that everyone in the nation must work together and be a good neighbor. It is times like these that prove how people are interdependent on one another. Furthermore, he is aware that the nation faces an unprecedented trama therefore he is is willing to adapt the political power of the legislative, judicial and executive branch in order to pursue restoration. He accepts his role as the leader "of a great army" and will take direct and vigorous action for the arduous days ahead.

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