Monday, November 19, 2007

LAD # 15- Lincoln's Second Innaugural Address

In his second innaugural address, Lincoln starts out by stating the short length of his address. He tellls his fellow Americans that he feels as though the state of the union is much more fragile now, than in any other time during his role as President. Lincoln also goes on to state that the Civil War can be attributed to two differring opinions; the opinion of the south (a war over the nations preservation) and the opinion of the north (the nations preservation over war). Furthermore, Lincoln nexts talks about the issue that many felt was the main precursor to the Civil War; slavery. He defends his administrations policy of not allowing the territory of slavery to exapnd because it does not affect any established states traditions. Finally, Lincoln closes by asking the nation to continue to work together to put an end to the Civil War once and for all, so then to be able to mend the nation's wounds as well as the wounds of so many American families.

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