Tuesday, April 8, 2008

LAD #30- Brown vs. Board of Education

The court case of Brown vs. the Kansas Board of Education began when Linda Brown, an African-American third grader wanted to go to the white school that was 7 blocks away. However, she was forced to walk through railroad tracks and walk one mile to get to the African-American school. They challenged the school board stating that separate but equal really isn't equal. They stated that the African-American children had developed an inferiority complex. the NAACP and the Brown's lost locally, but they repealed to the supreme court. The chief justice, Earl Warren ruled that separate but equal between races isn't equal at all. He then ordered that all public schools had to be racially integrated.

Friday, April 4, 2008

LAD #29- Truman Doctrine

President Truman addresses that Greece is asking the US to aid its country economically. Greece is not a rich country and it lacks sufficient resources to keep the country from being occupied from foreign invasion. It hopes that with finincial aid from the US it will be able to avoid falling to Communism and will be able to establish a democratic government that is stable. The country of Greece is in desperate need of financial and economic assistance in order to enable it to resume purchases of food, clothing, fuel and seeds. It has specifically asked for help from the United States rather than the United Nations because of their need for immediate help. The country is constantly threatened by communist groups and unable to protect itself because of its small and poorly organized army. Greece's neighbor, Turkey also deserves attention as well according to Truman. Aiding Turkey is essential to the preservation of the Middle East therefore we must provide them with economic and financial aid as well. It is the duty of the United States to prevent countries from falling from the choice of democracy into a communist government. By helping these countries the United States will be giving effect to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations. According to Truman, if Greece should fall into Communism the immediate effect would be that Turkey would fall too and then continue to spread throughout the Middle East. Therefore Truman asks Congress for $400,000,000 to aid Greece and Turkey and also American to provide American civilians and military personel in the countries as well. If the US is to falter in our leadership role it is possible the the world may be endangered, including endangering the welfare of our own nation.

Monday, March 3, 2008

LAD #28- FDR's First Inaugural Address

In Franklin D. Roosevelt's inaugural address he announced his plan of the New Deal. He states that there is concern in the nation that taxes have rises and the ability to pay has decreased, farmers have no market and savings of thousands of families have been lost. In addition, unemplyment is common and he wishes not to deny any of these things and to be truthful. FDR calls for a restoration of ethics and action by the nation. The first task he faces is to put people to work. FDR calls for strict limitation on credit and banking and an end to speculation of money. He goes on to say that everyone in the nation must work together and be a good neighbor. It is times like these that prove how people are interdependent on one another. Furthermore, he is aware that the nation faces an unprecedented trama therefore he is is willing to adapt the political power of the legislative, judicial and executive branch in order to pursue restoration. He accepts his role as the leader "of a great army" and will take direct and vigorous action for the arduous days ahead.

LAD #27- Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact

The Kellogg-Briand Act of 1929 was a treaty between the United States and the other powers. It was a treaty that stated that any power who wanted to seek interest in terms of war should be denied of the pact. This was done in order to encourage by example to other nations of the world to adhere to the Treaty. Article I stated that High Contracting Parties should condemn the concourse of war in relation with one another. Article II stated that if problems should ever arise between any of the nations that it will only be dealt with by pacific means. Article III says that the Treaty should be put into effect once it is ratified. It became effective July 24, 1924.

LAD #26- Schenck vs. US

The Schenck v. United States was an indicament on three counts. The first count being a conspiracy to violate the Esionage Act of June 15, 1917 by causing insubordination in the military and navy. Also the obstruction of recruiting and enlisting services during a time of war with Germany with the sending of mailed documents to those drafted by the Act of . the defendants printed and mailed documents by the Act of May 18, 1917. The second offense was the conspiracy to commit a federal crime against the United States. The third was the mailing of things that were unmailable. Schenck was a socialist leader who circulated flyers to recently drafted men and cited the Thirteenth Amendment which was against "involuntary solitude." The Conscription Act was a result of the resistance. Schenck was convicted of violating the Espionage Act and the justice declared his conviction constitutional. Justice Holmes then sets up the "clear and present danger" and announced that it was inappropriate to yell "Fire!" in a movie theater.

Friday, February 22, 2008

LAD #25- Wilson's 14 Points

Wilson begins his 14 points by pointing out that there should be no secret alliances and there should be absolute freedom of the seas, equal trading rights, and demilitarizing. He goes on to state that adjustment of colonial claims and evacuation of troops from Russia, Belgium, and France are vital. He then suggests an adjustment of the Italian borders and wants to secure an independent Austria-Hungary. Finally Wilson's last 4 points consist of the evacuation of Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro, the granting of Turkey's soverignty from the Ottoman Empire, and the creation of a polish country. (yay polish!) To conclude, his last and most important point to Wilson, consisted of the formation of a League of Nations to help avoid war.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

LAD #24-Clayton Anti-Trust Act

The Clayton Anti-Trust Act made changes to the Federal Anti-Trust Act. The Act prohibits price discrimination if it lessens competition. Some of the other revisions outlined in the Clayton Antitrust Act were: changes in merger laws, sales conditions, and ownership laws. Furthermore, in section 17, the anti-trust laws stated in the Act are not intended for use on labor organizations. To conclude, the Act states that any violations of the laws it establishes may result in a court case.