Friday, February 22, 2008

LAD #25- Wilson's 14 Points

Wilson begins his 14 points by pointing out that there should be no secret alliances and there should be absolute freedom of the seas, equal trading rights, and demilitarizing. He goes on to state that adjustment of colonial claims and evacuation of troops from Russia, Belgium, and France are vital. He then suggests an adjustment of the Italian borders and wants to secure an independent Austria-Hungary. Finally Wilson's last 4 points consist of the evacuation of Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro, the granting of Turkey's soverignty from the Ottoman Empire, and the creation of a polish country. (yay polish!) To conclude, his last and most important point to Wilson, consisted of the formation of a League of Nations to help avoid war.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

LAD #24-Clayton Anti-Trust Act

The Clayton Anti-Trust Act made changes to the Federal Anti-Trust Act. The Act prohibits price discrimination if it lessens competition. Some of the other revisions outlined in the Clayton Antitrust Act were: changes in merger laws, sales conditions, and ownership laws. Furthermore, in section 17, the anti-trust laws stated in the Act are not intended for use on labor organizations. To conclude, the Act states that any violations of the laws it establishes may result in a court case.

LAD 23-Keating-Owen Child Labor Act of 1916

The Keating-Owen Child Act of 1916 was introduced in order to restrict the hours children could work as well as outlaw the intestate sale of products produced by children. Not only did it help to regulate child labor, but it also banned the sale of items at places where children under the age of fourteen were working. Also, an eight hour working day was set up for children under the age of 16. Finally, another aspect of the act was that certificates would now be required for children to work. Although not passed right away, eventually it was, and is still in place today.

LAD #22- Wilson's First Inaugural

On March 4th, 1913, Woodrow Wilson stood before the Americans and delivered his first inaugural address. Beginning by pointing that when the house of Representatives became Democratic, the whole government changed. Wilson says that he wants to answer how the Democrats will change the government. He talks about how life is great, and how America built a wonderful government that has stood for a long time. However, with the positives Wilson is also quick to point out the flaws in America. He notes the importance of sanitary laws, labor-friendly laws, and pure food laws. Finally, Wilson concludes by calling all the honest men out there to help further his cause for rebuilding the nation and help usher it forward.